The New Zealand drama, The Whale Rider, captures the story of a young girl who strived to earn the respect of her Grandfather, Koro. Paikea, the twelve-year-old girl shares her name with the leader who rode to shore on a whales back saving the Maori tribe. At birth Pai was born a twin but her brother never survived--this left Koro upset since he should have been the leader, a role that is meant for a man. The Maori culture was constantly brought out in the film, especially from Pai who strived to live up to her grandfather's expectations.
Pai tried to participate and watch as Koro taught the young Maori boys how to become leaders, yet she was the only one to bring back his whale tooth that was thrown into the sea for the young boys to retrieve, but all attempts were failed. Koro and Pai showed the true beauty of the culture through the land, schooling, and rituals such as praying and calling in the whales.