Thursday, December 10, 2015

T Squared. The story of Tsotsi and Tarzan.

Tsotsi, a boy who grew up by himself after running away from home in fear of his father. His mother was dying of a chronic illness and her time here was short. While Tsotsi, who we later find out is named David spends his younger years living in a cement culvert growing up with other members of his community who were homeless.

Tarzan, a boy who was left in the jungle to fend for himself. His mother and father were killed in the jungle and Tarzan was taken in by the Apes--one in particular who had recently lost her baby. Tarzan spent his younger years exploring and living in the jungle with his Ape tribe.


After going through the entire list of Disney movies, I wanted to compare Tsotsi to, I noticed a few comparisons between these two movies. Tsotsi and Tarzan both grew up without parents but were taken in by their perspective communities to be raised. While Tsotsi was more of a trouble maker and engaged in risky behavior with his friends. His behavior ultimately ending up with him stealing a baby who he desperately wanted to take care of and relive his life through baby David. In his struggle of taking care of this child he realizes that there is more to taking care of a child such as feeding the baby. Tsotsi finds Miriam, a widowed mother of her own young infant, to help take care of baby David. Miriam convinces Tsotsi to return the child to his birth mother; the stubborn Tsotsi knows that when he does this he will be caught. Despite this knowledge he wanted to prove to Miriam that he wasn't all that bad of a guy and returns the child to his mother. Tarzan is seen as more of a heroic, brave, and loyal figure than Tsotsi was, but he also finds a love who makes him see his worth. Tarzan met Jane, who was in the jungle with her father he spied on her and was fascinated due to never having seen another human being. Tarzan left the jungle in order to find Jane and gets the courage to kill the leopard that killed his parents so he can continue on and live his life. These two men grew up feeling like outcasts, but eventually met two women who allowed them to realize they had to be strong and face their fears, both Tsotsi and Tarzan did what they needed to do in the end to feel like they did the right thing.

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